Where has the time gone??
I am busy back at it again and loving it! My customs list is in need of serious attention on this page so please disregard it for the time being;)
I have exciting news for February, will share as soon as I can. Also something to look forward to in February is a fun newborn themed stocking happening at Club Thread! I cannot wait to knit itty bitty things. Currently there are a few listings up at Club Thread so please come check them out:
MY daughter is 3.5 months old already, time is really going by much to quickly. She is growing like a weed and I am finding myself running out of clothes so fast, need more knitting time.
I hope this finds you well and please enjoy a few photos I have to share. Oh and I got around to making my first pattern called Olivia Tulip hat. Its simple and sweet and a way for me to test the waters on pattern writing.